A few weeks ago I was at Whole Foods perusing the beautiful produce when fresh turmeric caught my eye. The brown root looks a lot like ginger, but is bright orange inside. Turmeric has been used forever in ayurvedic medicine for its numerous health benefits. I remembered Dr. Oz talking about turmeric tea and turmeric capsules. I love the warmth and bright yellow color it adds to curries and soups. The powdered form is easiest to use, but I couldn’t resist buying one of the fresh roots on my shopping trip. But what exactly does one do with fresh turmeric? 
Some people chew little pieces of the raw turmeric root. I tried that and wouldn’t do it again – yuck. I decided to throw a piece in my juicer and think juicing turmeric may be the tastiest and easiest way to go. This juice gave me a big happy afternoon energy boost better than any latte. 


See all our Healthy Juicing Recipes HERE

 Carrot, Orange, Turmeric Juice Recipe

Serves 1

2-inch piece of fresh turmeric, peeled with a vegetable peeler
3 large carrots
2 large oranges, peeled

Process all ingredients through a juicer and serve over ice. Recipe can be doubled and kept in a covered container in the refrigerator for a few days.

Dr. Oz

More Turmeric Recipes:
Turmeric Juice from Mind Body Green
New Uses for Turmeric from Cooking Light
Indian Spiced Chicken or Vegetable Soup from Spicie Foodie
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s Calming Creamy Turmeric Tea